DO YOU SUFFER WITH NECK PAIN? You CAN end your pain, once and for all… safely, easily, quickly.
This new, all-natural, non-invasive solution will eliminate your neck pain, headaches and migraines forever, WITHOUT expensive surgeries, WITHOUT time-consuming physical therapy appointments, WITHOUT muscle relaxants, painkillers, heat, ice, radiofrequency, or massage.
Has neck pain become a problem for you?
Do you get skull-crushing headaches and migraines?
Are you at the point where you feel like you need to get some help with this?
Or did you reach that point a long time ago?
Whether your neck and head pain have just recently become a problem, or you’ve been in constant pain for years, I want you to know that I've been able to help thousands of people eliminate their neck pain, headaches and migraines for good.
Even people with the most severe cases of pain have told me things like:
“I can’t live like this anymore!”
“Nothing seems to help. I just wish there was something that would make this pain go away!”
“The pain in my neck and head is DEBILITATING and CONSTANT. All I want is relief!”
Have you started having sleeping problems because of neck pain and headaches yet?
Has it become difficult (or impossible) to do normal everyday things like sitting? Or changing clothes?
Are you scared your neck pain and headaches are getting worse… or could end up being PERMANENT?
Do any of these sound familiar?
PLEASE LISTEN: Whether your neck and head pain have just recently become a problem, or you’ve been suffering in AGONY for years, I can help you.
I’d like to invite you to my “NECK PAIN SOLVED!” 28-Day Challenge. This program will finally CURE your neck pain, headaches and migraines, once and for all.
- It's only $28 to join this Challenge (but we're only letting 50 people participate).
- In the program, I’m going to teach you some gentle stretches and simple exercises.
- If you promise to do these stretches and exercises for JUST 9 MINUTES a day, for JUST 28 DAYS, I promise your neck pain, headaches and migraines will be gone for good.
- If that doesn’t happen… I don’t deserve your $28, and I will give it all back to you, no questions asked, anytime within 60 days after your purchase (that’s 32 days after the 28-Day Challenge ends!)
How does that sound?
Let me tell you more...
Imagine your life, just 28 days from today...
- Your neck pain is ENTIRELY gone… it’s a thing of the past
- Your headaches and migraines have also completely disappeared! (No more lying in bed by yourself with the lights off, while everyone else is hanging out, having fun.)
- You’re back to a normal, healthy, active, pain-free life
- You’re sleeping like a baby at night
- You’re playing with your kids, running in the park, lifting weights and working out… all without a care or worry
- You feel 100x better emotionally - you feel clear, light, at ease, enjoying the present moment
- Other areas of your life have started looking better and seeming a little easier - like your work, your relationships, even your finances!
That CAN happen to YOU. It has already happened for hundreds of my clients, and thousands of my students.
And it will happen to you…
...WITHOUT expensive surgeries
...WITHOUT time-consuming physical therapy appointments
...WITHOUT having to take an endless combination of pain pills and muscle relaxants
...WITHOUT invasive procedures and pain treatments
I’m going to help you get there with...
A Simple, Step-By-Step System Of Gentle Movements and Easy Exercises - That Any Person Can Do - Even If You Have Severe Neck Pain
Why does this system work so well to help people eliminate their neck pain, headaches and migraines?
Because it’s comprehensive and easy.
It’s comprehensive because it includes 7 different approaches to healing and strengthening your neck - no stone is left unturned! Because we attack the problem from so many different angles, and with so many different approaches, your neck and head pain has nowhere to hide, and can’t survive!
It’s easy because I’ve arranged the 7 different approaches into one super-simple routine that only requires 9 minutes of your time every day. A HUGE reason people don’t get results from systems like this one is that they’re too complex, too time-consuming, and too difficult to do. Because my system is so easy, and takes so little time, you’ll find yourself actually WANTING to do it everyday, and LOOKING FORWARD TO DOING IT - and because you do it everyday, you’ll actually get the results you want! Don’t worry - just because this is easy to do and takes only 9 minutes a day, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work - it does work! This system has already been tested and proven to work with hundreds of my clients and thousands of my students who have eliminated their neck pain, headaches and migraines for good. And as you’ll see below, I’m offering an insane money-back guarantee with this program, precisely because I know this system works!
Here’s a quick look at the 7 different approaches you’ll have at your disposal in the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge:
While this list of 7 approaches may look long, that’s a good thing - that’s what makes this program so effective. Don’t be overwhelmed by this list, because I’ve also made it super easy for you to do this program, and it only requires a total of 9 minutes of your time each day!
(1) Posture
Most doctors and health professionals don’t spend enough time with their patients on posture – largely because it’s preventative. If you don’t fix your posture first, no neck program will help you.
(2) Self-Massage
Self-massage is a great way to quickly reduce and relieve the pain in your neck and shoulders. It also decreases the stress and tension in your neck muscles, which stimulates repair, healing, and strengthening. It’s very important to do regular self-massage… and it feels good too! In the program, I’m going to teach you several different self-massage techniques, most of which you can do in just minutes with just your hands or regular household items.
(3) Range of Motion
Increasing range of motion strengthens your neck muscles, and surrounding muscles, so your head is better stabilized, and there is less stress and strain on your neck. When there is less stress and strain on your neck, and the surrounding muscles are bearing more of the load, your neck will go back to being strong, healthy and pain-free! In the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge we’re going to use light dynamic stretching to increase and improve your neck’s range of motion.
(4) Stretching
Stretching is a core part of the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge. You’ll start with very light stretches for only about 30 seconds each, and gradually work your way up. Our stretching will focus on unlocking and strengthening the Upper Trapezius muscles and the Sternocleidomastoid muscles.
(5) Isometric Exercises
In the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge we’ll also use isometric exercises. These are easy as pie. All you have to do is hold your body still in a static position for 30 seconds or less! These are gentle, but highly-effective exercises and movements for healing and strengthening your neck and shoulders. When your neck and shoulders heal and get stronger, they can hold your head better and longer. Thus, eliminating all your pain!
(6) Cervical & Scapular Stabilization Exercises
During the program, we’ll be utilizing Cervical & Scapular Stabilization Exercises to strengthen the deep neck stabilizers. Again, these are gentle exercises, and we will be using gravity as our main point of resistance for many of them. This is because you do not need a lot of force to work and strengthen the deep stabilizing muscles of the neck.
(7) Neck & Shoulder Strength
Another core set of exercises in the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge is neck and shoulders exercises. We want to strengthen your neck so it can support weight and posture better, and your shoulders, so they can aid your neck in that support. We also build shoulder strength because weaknesses and problems in the shoulders often are an overlooked cause of pain in the neck.
I’ve heard enough!
I want to pay my $28 NOW
to make sure I get one of the 50 spots!
Click this yellow button to join now for just $28
You’re also going to learn all of these
in the “Neck Pain Solved!”
28-Day Challenge program:
- Four invisible causes of neck pain most people never see or suspect… and how to take care of these first, before you start the 28-Day Challenge, so you are assured great results!
- How posture contributes to neck pain, headaches and migraines... and how to “program in” good posture that heals your pain, and supports your head all day long... and do it in just two minutes, with a dowel, or any household broomstick.
- Want a reason to justify getting massages? Try this: massages are great for your neck… and the rest of your body. (While not as fun or relaxing, self-massage is an important part of neck pain recovery too!) You’ll learn more about both in the program.
- How to do a super-simple self-massage technique that can start relieving your neck pain in under five minutes. If you have a tennis ball, baseball, massage ball, or just about any kind of ball, you can do this technique anytime, anywhere. (But, you have to do it gently - if you do it too hard, you can risk creating more pain. In the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge, I’ll show you exactly how to do it, and what you should be feeling to know you’re getting it right.)
- Why you should “shake out” after you do each movement and stretch on your neck. (HINT: when you shake out - even just for 2 seconds - it tells your body: “here is a cue to relax for a few seconds.” Your body will take this cue and relax your neck muscles, which will increase the healing and start reducing your pain quickly!)
- How to heal your neck with just a BALL and a WALL!
- This is something most health and fitness professionals don’t talk about: IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO VISUALIZE your muscles as you’re doing neck stretches and exercises. In the program, you’ll learn how to perform this kind of visualization correctly.
- Which movements you should DEFINITELY AVOID (at least in the beginning), if you have more severe neck pain and injuries.
- Are you scared to move your neck, let alone stretch it or exercise it? THIS IS COMMON FOR PEOPLE WITH SEVERE NECK PAIN AND INJURIES. I’m going to show you why it’s TOTALLY OKAY for you to move, stretch and even exercise your neck, even if you’re in a lot of pain. (I know it feels like if you move your neck, you’ll cause more damage, but this IS NOT TRUE, and I’m going to show you why, so you can set your mind at ease.)
- How to isolate your neck, but keep the rest of your body still, so you get the most effective movements, that also keep you safe from additional injury.
- Why you must “check in with yourself” later in the day to see how you feel after doing a neck exercise session. This is crucial for understanding your progress and protecting yourself from new injuries and pain. (I’ll teach you how to do this so you know exactly what you should be feeling, and not feeling, and what to do in all cases.)
- The quick and easy tweaks you can make to increase resistance in your neck exercises, when you’re ready.
- How to quickly and easily test your posture and see if you need to adjust it, to help support and heal your neck. (This requires no equipment and takes only 20 seconds.)
- How to multiply your progress, pain relief, healing and strengthening of your neck as you do the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge, with just a few quick and easy changes to things you do every day.
- Two important things you must do in every neck stretch, movement or exercise. Failure to do these results in slow progress and the possibility of new injuries.
- How to start healing your Upper Trapezius muscles (the back of your neck on each side) with a simple up and down movement that takes only a few minutes.
- When you’re ready to increase your resistance in your neck movements and stretches, I will show you how to make a tiny adjustment using your forehead that will add more resistance, so you can progress in your healing and pain reduction.
- ANOTHER LITTLE-KNOWN AND OFTEN OVERLOOKED... BUT CRUCIAL CONSIDERATION is: how you get into, and get out of each neck exercise. This is very important when you’re first starting a program like this, and especially if you have severe neck pain. I teach you exactly how to get into and get out of each of the exercises with step-by-step, precise movements you can watch and learn on video. This is a very important step for protecting you from further pain and injury.
- And more...
Here’s everything you’re going to get in the
“Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge:
SELF-ASSESSMENT PACKAGE: Video, Manual And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition
It’s very important, before you get started, to assess your current condition. This is the first thing I do every time I see a new client that has neck pain, headaches and/or migraines. We need to understand how much pain you’re experiencing now, how serious your injury is, and what range of motion you can currently handle. Having this information will prevent further injury, and help you get the best possible results, in the shortest amount of time.
In this component, you get a video and a brief manual that walk you through, step-by-step, how to do your own self-assessment. Based on this information, you’ll know exactly where to start in the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge.
You also get a convenient Fill-In Sheet that allows you to write each of your answers and assessment results down as you watch the video and read the manual.
The “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge contains a wealth of educational information on neck pain, headaches and migraines, but I want you to come up to speed FAST on what you need to know, so you can get started FAST, and start reducing your pain FAST! So, I’ve distilled the educational content down to the most important summary points you need to get going right now.
In this Quick-Start Cheat Sheet:
- I explain, in plain English, exactly why your neck pain exists, what the various causes are, and why it can also create nasty headaches and migraines.
- I give you a condensed, bird’s-eye-view of the latest scientific research on neck pain, specifically related to prevention, rehabilitation and strengthening of the neck.
- I lay out the exact roadmap we’re going to follow to eliminate your neck pain, headaches, and migraines.
3-STAGE COMPREHENSIVE EXERCISE PROGRAM: Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS
The “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge is a comprehensive program of gentle, yet highly-effective exercises designed to reduce and eliminate your neck pain, headaches, and migraines in just 28 days.
The program is broken out into 3 stages. The 3 stages progress from very easy (Stage 1) to more challenging (Stage 3). This 3-stage structure ensures that any person can complete this program and solve their neck pain, headaches, and migraines for good, even those who have severe pain, and even those who have never exercised a day in their life! The 3 different stages also allow you to self-direct your progress so you get the fastest possible recovery.
For each of the 3 stages, you get 1 instructional video, 1 follow-along video and 1 manual, for a total of 6 videos and 3 manuals. Here’s what comes in each:
INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS: The instructional video you get in each of the 3 stages is your virtual personal training session with me - Rick Kaselj, MS. In these instructional videos, I will:
- SLOWLY DEMONSTRATE, STEP-BY-STEP, exactly how to do each exercise perfectly, so you can definitely get it right
- Show you ALL the common mistakes people make doing these exercises, so you also know what NOT to do
- Give you EVERYTHING you need - exactly how many reps and sets you should do, time and intensity, what you should feel as you do the exercises so you know you’re doing them right, and more.
FOLLOW-ALONG VIDEOS: You also get 3 follow-along videos - 1 for each of the 3 stages. These videos are your very own personal coaching sessions with me. In them, you will do each of the exercises following right along with my exercise assistant, who does them on video with you, while I count out time and reps, and coach you along the way.
MANUALS: You get 3 manuals - one for each of the 3 stages in the program. In these handy PDF guides, you’ll have everything you need to use this program to reach your end-goal: a pain-free neck and no more headaches or migraines. The guides include:
- All of the gentle, but highly-effective exercises, stretches and movements you’ll use in this program. Each is explained in detail, with precise step-by-step instructions.
- Start-position and end-position photos for every exercise
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them
Tips and advice on everything else you need to know, like: number of reps, number of sets, how long each rep should take, exactly what you should feel as you do each stretch and exercise so you can be SURE you’re doing them correctly, and how to progress if the exercises become too easy.
As mentioned above, for each of the 3 stages in the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge, you get an instructional video, a follow-along video, and a comprehensive manual.
Once you get into the program and start learning the exercises, you may want a faster, more convenient way to access the exercises, rather than having to fast-forward through the videos, and leaf through the larger manuals every time. That’s exactly what this Exercise Quick Reference Guide is for!
Every exercise in the program is laid out in this brief guide so it’s quick and easy to find them, learn them and do them! For every exercise, there is a start and end photo, a quick summary of the exercise, and instructions for how to do it correctly.
Peter Drucker said: “What gets measured, gets improved.” In my more than 20 years of experience as a kinesiologist and injury expert, I’ve seen time and again that the people who measure their progress while they do my programs eliminate their pain much faster than those who don’t.
It’s very important to measure your progress as you do this program. It will keep you on track. It will keep you motivated... which will keep you doing the exercises... which will actually get you the results you want. You simply cannot get the results if you don’t do the exercises!
Just check off the exercises you did each day - it takes only a few seconds, but provides massive benefits!
VIDEO: How To Modify The Neck Exercises When You’re Ready To Progress
This video provides all of the easy modifications you can make to the stretches, movements and exercises you’ll be doing in the "Neck Pain Solved!" 28-Day Challenge. This is important because once you have mastered the easier movements, you will need to add some additional resistance to make the exercises more challenging for your muscles. This is how you can continue to progress and eventually heal your neck fully, so you can be completely pain-free and eliminate your headaches and migraines too.
WEEKLY Q&A VIDEOS: Answers To Your Specific Questions
During the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge, you’ll have the opportunity to submit any questions you have, directly to me. At the end of each week of the 4-week program, I will give you access to a video with my answers to all of your specific questions, and those from other participants in the program. I am going to answer all of your specific questions personally… because I want to make sure you stay on track with this program, and definitely achieve your end goal >>>>> END your neck pain for good, and eliminate your headaches and migraines!
VIP COACHING GROUP: FREE ACCESS To My Exclusive, Secret Facebook VIP Coaching Group
I am including another way for you to get direct access to me - for getting your questions answered, and also for inspiration, motivation and accountability. During the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge, you will get exclusive access to my private, secret Facebook group. In this group, you get the opportunity to ask your questions, about your specific situation, to me and my team of health and fitness experts, DIRECTLY. You also get to see the answers we give to other members of the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge - these can be surprisingly helpful even though you didn’t ask them. You also get the chance to meet new friends and become part of a supportive community. Most of the people in my VIP Coaching Group have told me, at one point or another, that they get incredible support, inspiration, motivation and accountability - not only from me and my team of experts, but also from the other members in our group. We seem to attract a very good bunch of people in this group, which we love!
FREE BONUS VIDEO TRAININGS: Exclusive Neck Pain Video Webinar Trainings
Throughout the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge, you will get FREE ACCESS to various bonus video trainings I do, including:
- 5 Things You MUST Know About Ergonomics & Your Environment If You Have Neck Pain, Headaches, Or Migraines
- 8 Normal, Everyday Things We All Do… That Cause Excruciating Neck Pain, Headaches And Migraines
- And more...
LIFETIME UPDATES To The Neck Pain Solved Program
I am always adding new material to the program in order to help you get better results. You will get FREE access to all updates for life!
How the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge gives YOU all the control...
The “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge is a virtual challenge - so you don’t have to go anywhere to be involved. And I chose to make this a downloadable VIDEO program so you would get these benefits:
- You can watch the videos at your own pace. As far as I know, you cannot pause, rewind or fast-forward an in-person training or therapy session... but, with video you can! With video, you have all the control - you can go as slowly or quickly as you like and review any key points as many times as you like.
- The videos work on any computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, iPhone or iPad. You can download them onto any of your devices, or watch them on the Internet, and they will be available to you forever.
- You can watch the videos on your schedule, whenever it’s convenient for you. No scheduled appointments to make, no time off from work - you can do it whenever YOU have time.
- You can learn and do the exercises from the convenience of your own home, or wherever you choose. No driving or flying to appointments, sessions or courses at someone else’s location.
- You save money. You won’t need expensive therapy appointments, training sessions, courses or seminars. These videos alone will decrease and eliminate your neck pain, headaches, and migraines, and they're very affordable!
How much does it cost to join the
“Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge?
I’ve sold this program as a standalone product in the past for $57, but without all the direct access to me, and all the extra goodies that come with this 28-Day Challenge.
There are other challenges out there that provide more access, like I do here, but they cost $2,000, even $3,000!
You’re not going to pay anything close to that, because I want this program to be available to as many people with neck pain as possible.
I think it’s a tragedy for anyone with neck pain to go on suffering with it, when my program can help remove it for good. I know it sounds cheesy, but I would give this program away for free if I could.
Unfortunately, I can’t. The reality is - a lot of people put a lot of hard work into producing this program, and those good people need to get paid for their work...
...but you still aren’t going to pay anything close to $3,000, or $2,000.
You won’t even pay the $57 I charged for my Neck Pain Solved product (that didn’t even come with direct access to me and lots of extra resources that you’re getting with the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge).
Today, you’re only going to pay a one-time fee of $28.
There is a catch, though.
I’ve decided to only let 50 people participate in this 28-Day Challenge. Because there is a lot of access and interaction with me, I need to limit the size of the group, so I can make sure everyone is served to the best of my ability.
I will have another Challenge at some point, but right now, I’m not sure when.
So if you’re interested in this, sign up now… because these 50 spots WILL DEFINITELY FILL UP.
How do I know?
We’re in the process of sending out emails to over 100,000 people, who are on my subscriber list, and we’re inviting all of them to join this Challenge.
GET IN NOW! I won’t be surprised if this program fills up in one day or less!
Click this yellow button to join now for just $28
This program is 100% RISK FREE…
You Get A 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee
Yes - you read that right.
I’m giving you a 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
This means that after you’ve finished the whole 28-Day Challenge, you’ll still have another 32 days to decide whether you’d like a refund or not.
Why on earth would I do this?
- To show you how confident I am in this program. I’ve invested two decades of my life and tens of thousands of dollars into developing these scientifically-tested exercises, movements, and sequences that you won’t find anywhere else.
- I want you to know that you have no risk, so you can join this program with peace-of-mind. I want you to be focused on learning and doing the easy, gentle movements and stretches in this program so you can be free of your pain. I don’t want you to have to worry about whether it’s going to work, or whether you’re going to lose out or anything like that. With my 60-day guarantee, you can put your mind at ease and focus on doing the program and getting better.
Here’s how it works:
If for any reason, at any time during the 60 days, you aren’t completely thrilled with the results you got from my “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge, just send me an email, or call my friendly staff, and we’ll return all of your money, promptly.
Here is my direct email:
Here is our phone number: (888) 291-2430
Who created the “Neck Pain Solved!”
28-Day Challenge?
My name is Rick Kaselj and I have been a Kinesiologist and Exercise and Injury Specialist since 1994.
I’m the guy in the health and fitness industry that not only helps individuals with pain and injury problems, but I’m also known as the expert to the experts, the trainer of the trainers, and the teacher of the teachers. Anytime I find a problem that has not been adequately solved yet, I devote nearly 100% of my time and resources to solving it. When I do solve it, I share the solution with everyone in the industry.
This is what my client Mike Westerdal said about me (Mike is a lifelong athlete, powerlifter and the owner of industry-leading muscle and strength authority site
“Working in the fitness industry myself, I knew I had to go to the source of the knowledge and cut out the middleman. You see, Rick is more than just a specialist. He’s the guy who teaches the other fitness professionals the newest techniques to help their own clients. He has given over 315 live presentations to over 6,065 health and fitness professionals across Canada and the USA.”
What will your life be like
28 days from now?
If you do nothing different... in 28 days, you’ll still have miserable neck pain, and crushing headaches and migraines.
If you decide to join my “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge... I am 99% sure that in 28 days, you will see some VERY DIFFERENT results, and you will be feeling A LOT BETTER.
Why 99%?
Because nothing works for everyone. That’s just reality.
BUT... ask yourself this question:
Is it worth $28 (that you’ll get back if you don’t get the results you want)...
...and just 9 minutes a day see if my program could ELIMINATE ALL YOUR NECK PAIN, HEADACHES AND MIGRAINES FOREVER?
Like I said, nothing works for EVERYONE…
But, what if this DOES work for you?
What if you ACTUALLY were free of all your pain, just 28 days from now?
Isn’t it worth it to at least find out?
Click this yellow button to join now for just $28
(Comes with iron-clad 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee!)
Frequently asked questions...
Q: Do I have to go anywhere special to be part of the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge?
No - this is a virtual challenge, which means you can do it from the comfort of your own home. This “challenge” is different from other programs because you will have lots of direct access to me, and get lots of personal attention from me, but it can all be done from the comfort of your own home, over the Internet. Because this program includes lots of access to me, and I will be personally involved in helping you eliminate your neck pain, headaches and migraines, I am limiting the group size to 50 people, so I can be sure to serve each and every person to the best of my ability. Click here to get one of the 50 spots, before it’s too late!
Q: I’ve heard that if you aggressively stretch or exercise your neck, it can make things worse - how does this program address that?
This is absolutely true. You DO need to be very careful not to strain or over-stretch your neck because it can lead to more pain and discomfort. This program is designed to be extra gentle and conservative, first because you don’t need to use very much force or resistance when you are exercising your neck, and second because doing too much can lead to new injuries. In this program, I also have different “flows” designed specifically for each different level of neck pain and injury.
Q: I was surfing around the Internet and found a bunch of neck exercises. Will these help?
You can definitely find neck exercises online, for free. But, you won’t find a complete program designed to apply 7 different approaches to eradicating neck pain, headaches and migraines, specifically. You won’t find a whole program that has been carefully crafted, based on decades of research and real-world testing, that includes ONLY the necessary exercises, with instructions on how to do them in just the right sequence, with the right number of reps and sets, so that you will reach your ultimate goal, which is to be pain-free in your neck, and eliminate headaches and migraines. That’s exactly what the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge is, and does!
Q: Is this program just more exercises that I have to do?
Yes, and no. Most fitness and health professionals take a shotgun approach to exercises for injuries. They keep giving you more and more exercises, hoping they will help. I don’t do that. My program only includes the exercises you need. I also recommend you do them in a specific sequence and I give you precise instructions on how many repetitions and sets you need to do. My program has been carefully designed, based on years of research and real-world testing, and it is a SYSTEM that has already worked for other people. There will be no guesswork or confusion on your part – everything is laid out and easy for you to follow. My best advice is for you to stop all of the other exercises you are doing, and focus only on the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge for at least the next 28 days.
Q: How long does it take each day to do the neck exercises?
Each exercise session in this program is designed to take around 9 minutes to complete. It may take a little longer in the beginning as you’re learning the stretches and movements, but you’ll have it down to 9 or 10 minutes in no time because these movements and sequences are very easy to learn. The power of this program is not in the actual exercises or stretches you do, but in WHICH ones you do (and which you don’t), the ORDER in which you do them, and HOW you do them… all of which I demonstrate step-by-step in careful detail in the program.
Q: How long until I see results?
Although everyone is different and will experience different results, many people experience significant pain reduction within 7 days, and some within only a few days!
Q: Who is this program suitable for?
This program is designed for anyone with neck pain, who wants to eliminate it!
Q: Can I join the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge if I’ve had an injury or surgery?
The answer to this is very individual. It depends on what type of injury or surgery you’ve had and how you’ve recovered from them. It is best to ask your surgeon or doctor to see if this program is suitable for you.
Q: Are the stretches and movements difficult to perform?
Not at all. These are simple and natural movements that you will easily “get” after one or two viewings of the videos. And each stretch, movement and exercise is very gentle, because it doesn’t require much force or resistance to exercise the neck and surrounding muscles.
Read THIS before you leave this page…
RIGHT NOW will probably be
your only chance to join the
“Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge
I don’t want to be one of those “high-pressure” guys on the Internet, but I want you to be fully aware…
This may be your only chance to join the “Neck Pain Solved!” 28-Day Challenge.
Even if you leave this page and plan to come back later today, or tomorrow, it may be too late!
Here are 4 reasons why…
- We’re sending emails and notifications to over 100,000 people who are on my subscriber list, and who will be visiting this page… many of them may be on this page right now.
- We’re only accepting 50 people for this 28-Day Challenge.
- This program is SO VALUABLE and includes so many resources, videos, handouts, audio files… everything you need to eliminate your neck pain, headaches and migraines, for good.
I’m fairly certain the 50 spots will be gone in one day, or less.
So, here’s your chance...
Click this yellow button to join now for just $28
(Comes with iron-clad 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee!)
Don’t forget… you’re getting:
Video, Manual And Fill-In Sheet To Help You Assess Your Current Condition
(1 Video, 1 Manual PDF, 1 Fill-In Sheet PDF)
(1 Cheat Sheet PDF)
Your personal training and coaching sessions with Rick Kaselj, MS
(6 Videos, 3 Manuals PDF)
(3 Quick Reference Guides PDF)
(3 Progress Tracking Sheets PDF)
How To Modify The Neck Exercises When You’re Ready To Progress
Answers To Your Specific Questions
FREE ACCESS To EFI’s Exclusive, Secret Facebook VIP Coaching Group
Exclusive Neck Pain Video Webinar Trainings
To The Neck Pain Solved Program
(But we only have 50 spots!)
Click this yellow button to join now for just $28
(Comes with iron-clad 60-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee!)